Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's Time for a Warm-Up

Well, winter has definitely hit and I’m grounded. Guess that’s a good reason to share some thoughts. It seems like the situation in Lansing keeps getting worse and worse. The only thing colder that the weather are the actions of Governor Snyder and the Republican Legislature:

  1. $470 cut per-pupil in education funding
  2. Taxing Seniors to create a big business tax break
  3. Losing $7 million a day in federal funding because Tea Party Conservatives refuse to give Medicaid expansion immediate effect
  4. Passage of the “rape insurance” bill denying women health care
  5. Near elimination of the Earned Income Tax Credit.

Lansing Republicans are leaving middle class families in the cold. I’m ready for a warm up. It’s time for a change in Lansing.

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